We concentrate in our treatments the flower extract of Solidago virgaurea
A wild flower that is picked in the mountains. Its action lies in the rebalancing of the oral microbiota.
Its name Solidago literally means “I consolidate”. It was given to him because of the plant's reputation for healing wounds.
The interest of this plant lies in its molecules of defenses against its environmental agents such as harmful micro-organisms and insects.
It is also credited with purifying, detoxifying and expectorant properties, useful in the treatment of colds or lung conditions.
This golden yellow flower has a complete action on 7 pathogenic micro-organisms in the mouth.
Considered in the European tradition as stimulating, sudorific, tonic, carminative, appetizing and pectoral, goldenrod has been used for colds, lung ailments, nausea and pain caused by the “winds”. Solidago flowers are freshly picked and then their molecules are extracted using a controlled process: bio-guided fractionation. The extract is extremely purified to then be concentrated in The Smilist™ skincare products.
At the heart of the formulas, this active floral extract combined with prebiotics to create the FLORAL MICROBIOTIC complex.